Board Meeting Agenda Template

Board meetings are an essential part of any organization’s decision-making process. To ensure that board meetings are productive, organized, and focused, it is important to have a clear and comprehensive agenda. A board meeting agenda template is a tool that can help organizations to create a structured agenda that includes all the necessary topics for discussion. In this article, we will explore what a board meeting agenda template is, why it is important, and how to create an effective template that can help your organization to have productive and efficient board meetings.


What is Board Meeting Agenda Template?

A board meeting agenda template is a document that outlines the topics and issues that will be discussed during a board meeting. It serves as a road map for the meeting, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered and that the meeting stays on track and within the allotted time frame.

The template typically includes the date and time of the meeting, the location, and the names of the attendees. It also outlines the specific items to be discussed, such as reports from various committees, financial statements, and any other business that needs to be addressed.

The board meeting agenda template is a tool that can be used to ensure that board meetings are organized and productive. By having a clear agenda in place, board members can come to the meeting prepared, and can focus their time and attention on the topics that need to be discussed. Additionally, the template can be used as a record of the meeting, documenting the decisions and actions taken by the board.

Overall, a board meeting agenda template is an essential tool for any organization that wants to have productive and efficient board meetings.

Why Is Board Meeting Agenda Template Important

Here are some key reasons why a board meeting agenda template is important:

  • Ensures Effective Meetings: A board meeting agenda template ensures that meetings are effective and productive, by providing a clear outline of what needs to be discussed.
  • Improves Time Management: The template helps to improve time management by setting specific time frames for each topic to be discussed, which helps to prevent meetings from running over their allotted time.
  • Ensures All Important Topics are Covered: By having a structured agenda, the board meeting agenda template ensures that all important topics are covered during the meeting.
  • Provides a Record of the Meeting: The template serves as a record of the meeting, documenting the topics discussed, decisions made, and actions taken.
  • Facilitates Communication: The board meeting agenda template facilitates communication between board members, by providing a clear and concise outline of what will be discussed and allowing board members to prepare for the meeting in advance.
  • Increases Accountability: By setting specific goals and objectives for the meeting, the template increases accountability among board members, ensuring that they are focused on achieving the goals set out in the agenda.

Overall, a board meeting agenda template is an important tool for organizations that want to have productive and effective board meetings.

What are the Essential Elements Of Board Meeting Agenda Template

Here are some essential elements that should be included in a board meeting agenda template:

  • Date, Time, and Location: The template should include the date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as the names of the attendees.
  • Call to Order and Approval of Agenda: The agenda should begin with a call to order and approval of the agenda, to ensure that everyone is present and in agreement with the items to be discussed.
  • Reports: The template should include any reports that need to be presented during the meeting, such as financial statements, committee reports, or progress reports.
  • Old Business: The template should include any unfinished business from previous meetings that need to be addressed.
  • New Business: The template should outline any new business that needs to be discussed during the meeting, such as new initiatives or projects.
  • Action Items: The template should include any action items that need to be taken as a result of the meeting, such as assignments, follow-up tasks, or decisions that need to be made.
  • Adjournment: The agenda should end with an adjournment, to formally close the meeting.

Overall, the essential elements of a board meeting agenda template should be tailored to the specific needs of the organization.

How to Create Board Meeting Agenda Template?

Here are some steps for writing a board meeting agenda template:

  • Identify the Topics: Start by identifying the topics that need to be covered during the meeting. These might include reports, old business, new business, and any other issues that need to be addressed.
  • Prioritize the Topics: Once you have identified the topics, prioritize them based on their importance and urgency. This will help you to allocate the appropriate amount of time to each topic during the meeting.Set Time Limits: For each topic, set a specific time limit that reflects its importance and the amount of discussion it is likely to generate. This will help to keep the meeting on track and within the allotted time frame.
  • Draft the Agenda: Using the topics and time limits you have identified, draft the agenda in a clear and concise format. Include the date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as any other relevant information such as the names of attendees.
  • Review and Revise: Review the agenda to ensure that it covers all necessary topics and that the time limits are realistic. Revise as needed to ensure that the agenda is clear, concise, and achievable.
  • Distribute the Agenda: Once the agenda is finalized, distribute it to all attendees in advance of the meeting. This will give them time to prepare and ensure that the meeting runs smoothly.


How often should a board meeting agenda be created?

A board meeting agenda should be created for each scheduled meeting, which may vary depending on the needs of the organization.

Can the board meeting agenda be changed once it is distributed?

Yes, the agenda can be changed if necessary, but any changes should be communicated to all attendees as soon as possible.

Who is responsible for creating the board meeting agenda?

The person responsible for creating the board meeting agenda may vary depending on the organization, but it is typically the board chair or executive director.

What happens if an important topic is not included in the board meeting agenda?

If an important topic is not included in the agenda, it can be added during the meeting if time allows, or it can be deferred to a future meeting.

How long should a board meeting agenda be?

The length of a board meeting agenda may vary depending on the number of topics that need to be discussed, but it should be concise and achievable within the allotted time frame.

Should the board meeting agenda be shared with non-board members?

The board meeting agenda may be shared with non-board members on a need-to-know basis, but it is typically intended for board members only.

Is it necessary to include action items in the board meeting agenda?

Yes, including action items in the board meeting agenda helps to ensure that decisions made during the meeting are followed up on and that progress is made toward achieving the organization’s goals.


In conclusion, a board meeting agenda template is an essential tool for any organization that wants to have productive and efficient board meetings. By including key elements such as the date, time, and location of the meeting, reports, old and new business, action items, and adjournment, the template can help ensure that all necessary topics are covered and that the meeting stays on track and within its allotted time frame. By following best practices when creating the template, such as identifying and prioritizing topics, setting time limits, and reviewing and revising the agenda, organizations can improve communication, increase accountability, and make better decisions during their board meetings. By taking the time to create a clear and comprehensive board meeting agenda template, organizations can establish a culture of productivity and success.